Which Truck Accident Lawyers in Boca Raton Can Help Me?

Boca Raton is Palm Beach County’s southernmost city, and it’s one of the largest in the county. Home to many businesses and trades, Boca Raton is no stranger to goods and equipment brought into the city via large trucks. Semis, tractor trailers, eighteen-wheelers, big rigs, large transportation trucks have many names. These trucks are the backbone of many businesses in Boca Raton, but they also bring dangers to our roadways. Though safety measures have been taken to reduce injuries and fatalities in truck accidents, statistics show that one in every eight trucking accidents is fatal. If you or love done has been injured in a truck accident, it’s time to call truck accident lawyers in Boca Raton. Our team at Brotman Nusbaum Ibrahim is here to help.  

What can truck accident lawyers in Boca Raton do for me? 

At Brotman Nusbaum Ibrahim, we understand how dangerous auto accidents can be. Our personal injury law firm in Boca Raton works with many case types, including car and truck accidents. Truck accidents can be especially catastrophic, considering the sheer difference in size and force between passenger vehicles and large trucks. Truck accidents are more common than many people realize, and they’re often very devastating. 

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, it’s time to call our truck accident lawyers in Boca Raton. At Brotman Nusbaum Ibrahim, we work with truck accident cases. We can help defend your best interests and pursue a variety of case results. If a loved one has been lost in a truck accident, we may seek economic and noneconomic damages.  These damages may include loss of companionship, loss of earnings and suffering. If you are the injured, your case may work towards damages for medical expenses, pain and suffering.  

Who is at fault for my accident? 

When it comes to commercial truck accidents, there may be several responsible parties. Our truck accident lawyers in Boca Raton understand that truck drivers are prone to distracted driving just as any other driver. These drivers also often work grueling hours, and overtired drivers are known to make mistakes on the roadways. If this has happened with your case, our truck accident lawyers in Boca Raton may pursue action against the driver, the trucking company and other responsible parties as well. Call our team at Brotman Nusbaum Ibrahim today to learn how we can help with your case. The consultation is free.  

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