Automobile Accident: Pedestrian Knock Down

Automobile Accident: Pedestrian Knock Down

Settlement: $ 2,165,649

Our 62 year old client was a pedestrian, walking her bicycle across West Oakland Park Boulevard, when she was struck by a car that improperly turned right at a major intersection. Although our client improperly received a ticket for crossing “against the pedestrian signal” by a Public Safety Aide, fault was ultimately admitted by the defense when the case went to trial. The client suffered a broken wrist, derangement of the knee, shoulder, back and neck injuries. She underwent knee surgery, and will likely need a knee replacement in the future. Judgment was affirmed on appeal. The case had gone to trial previously, resulting in a $1,600,000 jury verdict that was subsequently reversed on appeal. The second judgment for $2,165,649 was affirmed on appeal. After which time a bad faith claim was presented and settlement was reached that was far in excess of the $300,000 policy limits.
