Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

Catastrophic Injury Case

Catastrophic Injury Case

An example of a horrific Catastrophic Injury Case one would not want to be involved in is a drunk driving accident. While one can say most people on the road are doing their best to operate their vehicle and go about their day trying to be responsible and drive as safely as they can, that doesn’t mean that others are being just as careful.


While it’s understandable to get home at the end of a long day and enjoy a nice beverage to help you relax, it is unwise to consume alcohol before knowing you have to drive a motor vehicle soon after. A Catastrophic Injury Case doesn’t even have to happen to those who consume a massive amount of alcohol. One only has to get a little inebriated and become impaired enough to make a bad decision. One turn taken too quickly or badly can result in a gruesome collision.


If you or a family member has been injured as a result of drinking and driving, a reliable law office like Brotman Nusbaum Ibrahim & Adelman is here to help. No one ever thinks it could happen to them, especially those who swear off drinking and driving, but the reality is that it can happen to anyone. You and your loved ones deserve compensation for having suffered a tragedy such as this, and you’re going to need real help to fight the insurance companies.


An accident involving alcohol takes just a second, a single momentary lapse that could mean a lifetime of consequences. Maybe a drunk driver slams into your car head-on, creating back pain that you’ll feel for the rest of your life and keeps you from working to pay your bills and support your family. An incident like this can leave you with broken bones, nerve damage, or even a traumatic brain injury.

From the moment after a Catastrophic Injury Case, it’s time to seek the right help. Although, before calling an attorney, the most important step is to seek medical attention for any injuries sustained in the accident. By calling a lawyer as soon as you are involved in a Catastrophic Injury Case, it shows your case is strong and worth representing, which already on its own is enough to get insurance companies to worry. When you are seeking legal help, it’s never a good idea to hesitate.

Brotman Nusbaum Ibrahim & Adelman are lawyers committed to justice and will fight for your rights whether it pertains to motor accidents, negligence, product liability, catastrophic injury, intentional torts, medical malpractice, wrongful death, slip-and-fall, or child injuries. Call 561-417-5656 for a free consultation today.

Related Media: Personal Injury Attorney, BNI Law
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