Negligence Catastrophic Injury Lawyers

Personal injury case in 2021 – BNI

Personal injury case in 2021- BNI

The Law Office of Brotman Nusbaum and Ibrahim are here to help you if you’re considering filing a Personal injury case in 2021. If you were harmed by an event such as a slip and fall, or hit and run that resulted in injury in which another party would likely be at fault, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. There is often a p[ercieved negative stigma surrounding being one who is suing for compensation, but this is your legal right and you should never feel like it is frivolous to seek compensation given the kinds of circumstances resulting in your injury. Filing a Personal injury case in 2021 is precisely the kind of lawsuit that is not at all frivolous, and should be taken very seriously.

Motor vehicle accidents are a common cause of these kinds of injuries resulting in a Personal injury case in 2021 and earlier. If this accident was caused specifically due to the other diver’s neglect of proper motor vehicle operation, or local motor vehicle laws and regulations, then that driver is very much at fault and will likely be responsible for compensating any injuries or property damages involved. In almost any case in which a pedestrian is struck and injured by a moving vehicle, there will be some way to show how the driver could and/or should have avoided this. Very rarely will a pedestrian hit by a car find themselves at fault, or with no rights to compensation. Motorcycles are no exception to being responsible for following safety laws and ensuring proper operation. It’s entirely possible, though statistically Les likely, that a motorcycle driver can also cause an at-fault injury resulting in a Personal injury case in 2021

The first thing you should do when injured, as address the injury. Call 911 if you are in a serious accident and have your injuries assessed by licensed medical professionals, quickly, in case there is damage you cannot see. Your health and well-being are far more important than anything else. However, once your assessment is completed and you have the ability to contact our Law offices regarding your case, do so and we will work with you to gather and organize evidence such as photographs, police, and witness statements. Keep any and all records of anything medical or property damage related including medical bills, pharmacy receipts, and even property damage repairs or quotes.

If you are in need of personal injury compensation, look no further than Brotman Nusbaum Ibrahim & Adelman. We are lawyers dedicated to serving the community, representing injured claimants that need the help they rightfully deserve and committed to justice. We will guide you and work with you to get the best outcome on your claim. Call us for a free consultation today at 561-417-5656.

Related: Slip and Fall, Seeking Compensation?
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