When you have been involved in a crash, we know that dealing with it can be overwhelming. The immediate injuries can be devastating and the effects can continue for a lifetime.

Right after a crash, insurance companies are taking steps to minimize what they will have to pay on a claim. The first thing that will happen is the insurance companies will try to contact you to get information that helps them to defend the claim. Speaking to them without a lawyer is a bad idea. They are not doing that to help you. Insurance companies are not looking out for you, they are looking out for their own profits; and they are very good at what they do. You have every right to remain silent and to allow us to take care of the insurance company for you.

The truth is, insurance companies won’t not pay you full or fair value without an attorney. The best advice I can give to anyone involved in a car accident, is to speak to an attorney before you speak with any insurance company. Call us as soon as possible so that we can help you.

We know what has to happen to document the case, preserve the evidence, talk to the witnesses, gather your medical records. We want to help to make sure that you are fully compensated for what you have to deal with now, and into the future.

When you have been hurt or suffered damage because of the negligence or carelessness of someone else, we want you to get full and fair compensation. That’s what we mean by “committed to justice.”

So if you or someone you care about has been involved in a crash, please do call or contact us. There is no charge at all for the consultation and no attorney’s fees at all unless and until we have resolved your case.

We look forward to talking to you about your case, and getting started right away.